I feel most at home when I'm livin' in my agony.

The Osprey.

❝  I came in the ring
like a dog on a chain

And I found out the underbelly's
sicker than it seems  ❞

gil smuggler.

substance trader.

root manufacturer.

The best-laid plans often go awry, as was the case for the man who's come to be known on the streets of Ul'dah as The Osprey. Brought to the Jewel of Thanalan by his desperate desire to find a cure for his mother's addiction, her untimely death before he could successfully do so left him bereft of direction in a citystate apt to eat the misfortunate alive — and with a stash of premium milkroot in his possession. What else was there to do but delve into the cutthroat market of the illicit substance trade and establish a drug empire? It's all in the name of survival, ain't it?

🞩 Osprey Hahliatoh🞩 Crystal ↠ Balmung
🞩 Eastern Standard Time🞩 Walk-Up RP 🗸 + Tells 🗸
🞩 Paragraph Writer🞩 21+ Muses/Writers Only

Some days, when the sun is hot, man; my hook, my noose, my cat o' nine.

The truth is, I need help, but I just can't imagine who I'd be if I was happy.



🞩NameAshe'li Hahliatoh
🞩Moniker❝ The Osprey ❞
🞩AgeㅤTwenty-nine summers
🞩Namedayㅤ31st Sun of the 4th Astral Moon (7/30)
🞩GenderㅤMale (He/Him)
🞩Buildㅤ67 ilms, 143 ponz
🞩ClanㅤKeeper of the Moon
🞩ScentㅤAmmonia | Herbal Musk | Charcoal
🞩DispositionㅤChaotic Neutral


Vice, Not Virtue
In Osprey's eyes, everything around him is a potential vice. Alcohol, drugs, indulgences. If there's a risk to it, he'll partake, if only just to see what the hells happens.
Tongue of the Snake He Hunts
If you're expecting a polite and amicable disposition, Osprey is sure to disappoint. He's crass, with a mouth that's apt to make even the workers of the Lane blush. Invite him to a sophisticated affair? That's your own fault.
Self-Preservation, At All Costs
At the end of the day, the only one Osprey is loyal to is himself. Survival comes first, contracts and deals second.


🞩Birthplace   The Black Shroud ↠ Snakemolt
🞩Residence    Ul'dah
🞩Occupation  Substance Manufacturer Salesman
🞩Venture   Developments in progress.
🞩AllegianceㅤThe Reingold Mafia
🞩Deity  Doesn't give a shit.

Away From the Woods....
The touch of the Black Shroud lingers on Osprey, but he staunchly refuses to acknowledge it. If the Shroud is mentioned, he's apt to brush it off.
...And Out to the Desert
Whether or not he's well-suited to the climate of Thanalan isn't clear, but Osprey's made it a point to adapt in every way possible. From his attitude, you'd think he was born to the Jewel, with the way he knows these streets.
Addiction of a Different Nature
The man adores peanut butter. Can't resist it. Craves it.

I've been waiting here over the corner beat; and all that you seem, it sounds like a lie.

I got some issues that I won't address, I got some baggage I ain't opened yet.



Cheap Jump
Immersed in the drug trade yourself, you've crossed paths with the Osprey before, whether it was by competing for territory or working together to deliver a shipment.
A resident of Ul'dah who is dependent on one substance or another, you've long since known the Osprey's name—and you've relied on him to sate your cravings.
Members of the Brass Blades are well aware of the Osprey's reputation and previous arrest—and you're eager to catch him in the act again for a follow-up sentence.

❝  I am not
a pattern to be followed


The Forest  ⮧

Try to fit in all he wants, the stench of the Shroud surrounds him, don't it? Aye... Ye don't suppose the Elementals have followed him out to the desert? Can't be, can't it? How far does the greenwrath travel?

The Fountain  ⮧

That cook of his, the Snakemolt Sunshine? Nothin' like it. Apt to give you visions of your life across time and realms. Some o' the best shit on the market.

The Fall  ⮧

Word on the street is the Reingolds were nearly caught shippin' something illicit, but the Osprey took the blame. Beats me why'd he do it, but if ye ask me, it sounds like it was some kind o' set-up.

to establish.

Party Time
Looking to delve into dangerous substances? Depending on your poison of choice, Osprey likely has it on him and available to purchase by any interested parties.
Golden Favor
It seems as if the Osprey has tied himself to the Reingold family somehow. You've a bone to pick with them? He's a weak link, though it might not get you anywhere.
Bloodied Gil
Having taken the fall for a sabotaged shipment with planted Diamond Frost, Osprey is eager to learn more about whoever the hells is manufacturing it.

The pill that I'm on
is a tough one to swallow.  ❞


One might find Osprey lurking around...

🞩Pearl LaneIdeal for finding new buyers.
🞩The Gold CourtLively enough for transactions.
🞩SpeakeasiesPreferred by high-rolling clients.
🞩Fight ClubsBut you won't see him in the ring.
Will Engage...Will Avoid...
🞩 Criminals🞩 Authority Figures
🞩 Fellow Dealers🞩 Members of Nobility
🞩 Mercenaries🞩 Religious Clergy
🞩 Interested Buyers🞩 Lawful Adventurers

I sleep where the dogs go, the places the drunks roam, right down by the lifeboats.

I'll be the first to admit I'm a lonely soul, the last to admit I need a hand to hold.


mordecai vireoux.

let's just get the job done  ⮧

The guy's good at what he does, don't get me wrong, but I swear, somethin' crawled up his ass and died. Pretty sure he'd mellow out if he'd just let me get him high one of these suns.

matteo reingold.

whatever you say, boss  ⮧

Listen, if it hadn't been Reingold's shipment, I never would've taken the fall, but you don't make an enemy out of that family. Sure, he's got me running errands for him, but he bailed me out, didn't he?

azar jazaeri.

you call yourself a champion  ⮧

Last thing I'd thought when I headed into that fight club was leavin' with a champion, but damn, am I glad I actually remember that night. Felt like she was runnin' from something, though.

I don't know why; some, they will lie. Something's hoarse; you lose yourself.

I'm too proud to open up, ask you to pick me up, pull me out this hole I'm trapped in.


WARNING: All substances supplied by Osprey are addictive. Partake at your own risk.


Osprey typically carries a variety of substances on him at any given time. Interested parties are welcome to inquire about purchasing small amounts from him for personal use. Larger shipments or arranging a supply delivery will require prior discussion and terms of agreement.
In order to initiate a purchase, the interested party will require a password. This password will change every so often, and interested parties are encouraged to check back to see what it is. Old passwords will not be accepted; it's a security thing, y'see?
The current password is DERECHO.Payment
Osprey expects gil in return for any substances; a man's got to eat, right? However, he will also accept a trade of equal (or greater) value in the form of other substances, rare artifacts, or whatever else he might deem worthy. If you feel like bartering for a hit, you're welcome to try.


Crass though he may be, Osprey's skill as a chemist is undeniable, even if some of his methods are unorthodox. He knows what he's doing, and if he doesn't, he seems to accidentally figure it out one way or another.His experimentation while attempting to derive a cure for milkroot addiction led to his development of a signature cook of the substance, and as such, his name has become highly trusted when it comes to private requests for production. How does he manufacture those requests? Don't worry about that part, y' hear? All that matters is that the product is good, right?If you wish to establish a manufacturing deal with Osprey, simply approach and start the dialogue.Private Clients
Need a specific substance developed for a private venture? Whether it's a one-time mass purchase or a long-term business relationship, Osprey's your man.
Establishments & Venues
For those venues that offer more hedonistic opportunities to their patrons, Osprey is available as a contractor to provide a steady supply of most illicit substances.


Quiveron Gold  2,000 gil
A highly-praised strain, originating from Thanalan. It's known for its ability to induce euphoria and energize its user, as well as reduce fatigue, pain, and stress.

Side Effects: Dry eyes; headaches; increased thirst.

Carmine Bastard Grass  3,500 gil
A hybrid strain with both energizing effects and physical relaxation properties. Potent, and likely to produce a head rush effect. Can relieve body aches and pains.

Side Effects: Increased appetite; feelings of paranoia.


Obsidian Khat  7,500 gil
A Blackroot derivative. Increases heartrate and impulsive tendencies while providing a sense of invulnerability.

Side Effects: Extreme temper; violent tendencies; paranoid visions.

Hastera  10,000 gil
A powder with a light vanilla shade. The high is extremely potent, providing a rush of elation and hypersensitivity.

Side Effects: Highly addictive; sudden crash; physical sensitivity.


Midnight Ceruleum  5,000 gil
A dreamweed derivative. Results in a state of physical sensitivity and sexual arousal coupled with euphoria.

Side Effects: Impaired reflexes; loss of appetite; fainting.

Jet Pearl  9,500 gil
Injectable; equipment not provided. Induces pleasure while wavering between conscious and semiconscious.

Side Effects: Nausea; itching; flushing; insomnia.


Snakemolt Sunshine  10,000 gil
Osprey's proprietary cook of milkroot; additives enhance its hallucinatory properties. A physical stimulant combined with trips that provide an afterglow.

Side Effects: Highly addictive; flashbacks; tremors; dizziness.

Matatabi  5,000 gil
A pure strain of silvervine, imported from Kugane. Useful for managing physical pain with less risk of addiction.

Side Effects: Causes hallucinations in Miqo'te & Hrothgar.

I'll show you everything; fortunes, dreams, and reveries. I tally bets and don't forget.

Losing hope, headed down a dangerous road; strange, I know.


RPG Rating 3 3 2

Click the numbers to learn more.
This rating was generated using RPGRating.com.

🞩IN-GAMEOsprey Hahliatoh
🞩SERVERㅤCrystal ↠ Balmung
🞩APPROACHㅤWalk-Up RP 🗸 + Tells 🗸
🞩TIMEZONEㅤEastern Standard Time

I will roleplay...

✔ Mature & dark themes
✔ Lore-bending; not everything has to be by the book, but it should make sense.
✔ RP combat
✔ Dice rolls for fights and other determiners
✔ Graphic violence & torture
✔ Dubcon (with prior discussion)
✔ Imprisonment

I won't roleplay...

✘ Noncon
✘ Metagaming/godmoding/powerplaying
✘ Permadeath
✘ Permanent disfigurement
✘ Romantic plotlines (Osprey is allergic to the concept of romance.)

about the player.

Chev / Chevalure 🞩 She/They/Any 🞩 30+

I'm always excited to meet new roleplay partners, so don't hesitate to reach out! I am primarily online during evenings, although I tend to hop around between various characters. The timeframes provided here are guidelines, more than anything else. If you don't see me online, feel free to send me a ping elsewhere, though I might already be involved with something on another alt.If you would like to set up a scene between our characters, I'd prefer to be contacted OOC first, just because I love planning and chatting about plot ideas ahead of time. However, if that isn't an option, feel free to approach Osprey, especially if he's lingering around the Lane or Gold Court.
He always has the good shit on him.


Keep IC and OOC strictly separated.
If there is any crossover of this, communication will be cut entirely.
I’m not interested in roleplaying with anyone under the age of 21.
I enjoy exploring mature themes with my characters, particularly in terms of darker content, and am not comfortable doing so with younger writers. (I trust in your ability to write, younger RPers! It is simply a comfort point for me.)
I am a paragraph roleplayer and tend to hit those (3/3) posts frequently.
However, I am happy to adjust! Styles, skills, and/or language barriers can absolutely be worked around so we can have fun writing together!